Friday, December 28, 2012

Some Answers

I spent no time diving into my research about restraining orders and what not to find out whether or not there was one placed on J. And after calling lawyers and talking with a few of them I found the one paper that explains everything. And although I'm not completely happy that there is a "Criminal Protective Order" on J saying he can't have contact with me for three years; I'm surprisingly content with this. After getting into the research and everything it made me think, do I really want J back in my life? 

I'm finally at a good place and yes I've been giving J most of the credit but in reality it is me who has grown. I need to be a bit less modest when it comes to where I am today versus then. 

Three years doesn't seem that long... I mean technically it's only two years now and I mean of course I miss hearing his voice but that would only make me more vulnerable. I can't, no I won't be that vulnerable girl anymore. This is where I'm putting my foot down and grabbing the wheel to take control of MY life. 

But I want closure. My heart needs closure. It's been deprived of closure ever since I started dating. But I can't depend on a guy to bring or give me happiness. I need to find it in myself before I find it in someone else. And I'm so close to that happiness but J is still holding me back; as much as I wish he didn't, he does. 

I picked a song that probably isn't well known, I heard it on a TV show and it got stuck in my head. I picked "How'd My Heart Get Caught" by Jason Bajada, it kinda describes how I feel about J. I love him but it hurts so much cause it's hard to love him. Sometimes I find myself questioning is it all worth it? It's hard to remember all the good times we had together when I'm constantly only reminded of the bad. 

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