Sunday, April 28, 2013

I Just Don't Know

I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I finally admit it. I have no idea what the hell is going on with my life and I hate it. Things with T and I are so back and forth, good and bad. I guess that's the way it is with every relationship no matter what kind it is; but it's been very bipolar lately. I don't know if I did something wrong or something to turn him away but it sure feels that way. Some days its like he can't keep his hands off and other days its like he can't stand being within two feet from me. And lately its been more of the latter; even though I've been trying to do tons of things for him. It seems like I've found yet another guy that I can never make fully happy. 

With T acting that way and distancing himself has made my decision of moving on to other guys easier than I thought. I still have actually done anything but talk with other guys but sooner or later I think T is just gunna be strictly a friend. I have feelings for him, but I don't think there are reciprocated. I'm tired of being the girl who does too much for a guy who does too little. I don't want to be underappreciated anymore. I used to be a crazy girlfriend and very controlling but since then (high school) I've changed into a woman but can't seem to find a real MAN. 

I miss the way things were with J. I knew he loved me and cared because he showed it. I'm sure you're thinking "how? he almost killed you" but like I've said many times in this blog J was a great man with a bad habit. If he wasn't an addict J and I would probably still be  together happy planning our futures together. It's hard to realize what happened has happened and neither of us can take it back no matter how badly we want. 

Well I chosed "Do I" by Luke Bryan because it's exactly what I've been thinking about. Do I make T happy? Do I still love J? Does he still love me? Do I need to move on? Do I hold onto J or T? I've been confused before but this feels like I'm drowning and lately no one has been there to throw me a lifesaver... but then again I've been pushing everyone away in attempts to get T attached to me. Clearly, a big mistake since I've been pushing the people who love me away for a guy who won't even pay attention to me.

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